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Lilly Hewitt

PC '24

"My mother was a Zeta here at the Alpha Omicron chapter in Iowa City, and I grew up hearing all about her sisters, stories, and even visiting the house. She told me how open and genuine the girls were, but I was still scared to go through recruitment because I wanted to be my own person. In high school, this mindset was further pushed as I was told I wasn’t “sorority material” by friends and classmates. I was involved in musical theater, and never a part of a “cool” group. I thought this meant greek life would never be for me, that I didn’t have the sorority “look”. So when recruitment came, I first thought I wouldn’t get called back for any chapter because I wouldn’t fit in. Then, I thought that I couldn’t choose Zeta because it would mean I didn’t think for myself as a legacy. I couldn’t have been proven more wrong on both of these fronts when I talked to a couple sophomores during recruitment rounds who were also in theater in high school, and one of them was also a legacy. They both showed me that greek life, and Zeta life, can come in all different shapes and sizes. That being our authentic selves IS the cool club here at Alpha Omicron. That just because my mom was a Zeta here, it didn’t mean that I also didn’t feel the same warmth and joy that this chapter brings. Because my mom and I are so close, I feel Zeta just turned out a right fit for the both of us because of shared values of being rather than seeming, lifelong learning, and of course, LOVE (the greatest of all things)! Now, my mom came and initiated me this fall, and it’s been an amazing experience to have a shared sisterhood with her.  Zeta has something for everyone, no matter who you are or what you come from. Despite what I’ve been told by peers in my life, this is the best decision I’ve made for my college experience- and lifelong relationships."


Lea Garcia

PC '22

"Throughout my life, I've had such a genuine group of friends and sisterhood, which is a major reason why I went through recruitment. Since joining ZTA, I've found friendships that feel so natural and women who love and support me unconditionally. Being a member of ZTA has inspired me to become the best version of myself, as I'm surrounded by a community of intelligent, passionate, and like-minded women. ZTA has made my heart so full and I couldn't be more proud to call these girls my sisters!"


Angela Nyunt

PC '20

“I never saw myself joining a sorority, but I’m glad I did and never looked back! I’ve always been a quiet person who was too intimidated to speak up, but the community of women in Zeta Tau Alpha have made me feel comfortable and empowered to be my true self. I have met some of my best friends in this chapter, and I am so grateful for the experiences that Zeta has given me.”


Dear Potential New Member,


I know how stressful it is to find your “home away from home” but lucky for you, there is exactly that. A home filled with laughter, memories, encouragement, love, and support waiting for you.


My experience when I went through recruitment was nothing I imagined. I was scared, worried I wouldn’t fit in, or that I wasn’t good enough. However, the moment I stepped into the house of ZTA, I was greeted with smiles and genuine women. I instantly made a connection and knew this is where I wanted to end up. I listened to the seniors talk about their memories they made inside the four walls of this ancient  house. I couldn’t wait till that was me someday, sharing my experience with other Potential New Members.


Going through recruitment wasn’t my first choice. I just followed my freshman-year roommate who encouraged me to try it. Little did I know, I would find my best friends and a fantastic support system. Now, I am halfway through my college experience and have so many memories to look back on. I know these women are lifelong friends and stories I can tell my kids one day.


I can full heartedly say that these women have pushed me to be my best self. I wouldn’t be standing here as the Vice President of Recruitment if it wasn’t for all the support and love I received when I first applied for Executive Council. There are so many opportunities to grow and become a leader. I can now take these experiences beyond my four years of college. I am grateful to have the ability to cultivate my skills and passion for helping others.


So, my biggest advice to you, trust the process and be yourself. It can be overwhelming and intimidating, but I promise, you will end up where you are meant to be. Just remember to take a deep breath and keep an open mind as YOU find your home away from home!


With All My Zeta Love,


Ella Hess

Vice President of Recruitment

Financial Info (website).png

Iowa Fraternity and Sorority Life Website: â€‹


Link to Sign Up for Recruitment:​​


Recruitment Resoruces
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