Years in Alpha Omicron:
Fall of 1999 to Spring of 2003
Did you have any leadership positions while you were in ZTA?
VPI, Panhellenic Delegate, and Alumnae Collegiate Chair
I am a commercial product manager for Nationwide Insurance

Where are you originally from?
Manchester, IA
Where do you currently reside?
Johnston, IA
What did Zeta Tau Alpha provide you with that you couldn’t have gotten anywhere else?
I learned a lot about how to work with other people that think differently than you to accomplish common goals. After college, ZTA has given me an opportunity to connect with other women from all over the United States.

What is your favorite ZTA memory?
Living in the chapter house was such a great experience. There are too many stories to tell them all!
What advice to you have for college aged women?
Stay in touch with your sisters as you go your separate ways after college. Life can get very busy with work, family, kids, etc. Take time to stay connected to the people that support you and make you happy.
Final notes?
Stay involved in ZTA after college. Stay connected to Alpha Omicron on social media, join a local alumnae chapter, update your address so you get “Themis”, just don’t leave your membership when you leave college.
