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Alumnae Spotlight: Allaira Bartlett-Gray


Updated: Jun 3, 2020

This week we had the chance to catch up with one of our alumnae, Allaira!

Allaira is pictured above speaking at ZTA's Emerging Leaders Academy (ELA) this past July. This was her first time speaking on behalf of the fraternity in front of a crowd 600+ people.

Allaira is originally from Portland Oregon and decided to attend the University of Iowa to continue her education. Allaira got a degree in Mass Communications and Journalism and Studio Art as well as a minor in Cinema Studies. She joined ZTA her freshman year in 2015 and was an active member until she graduated in May of 2019. During her time in ZTA, Allaira held many leadership positions. She served as Historian Assistant, she was a member of CROWN committee, and was a member of executive council serving as Secretary for one years. She was also Rho Gamma for two years! Allaira’s favorite memory from ZTA was, “running home to my chapter on bid day after having been a Rho Gamma. It was just as exciting as running home after I first received my own bid!”

Currently, Allaira lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. She has a position as Chapter Development Coordinator for Zeta Tau Alpha’s International Office. Allaira is pictured above speaking at ZTA's Emerging Leaders Academy (ELA) this past July. This was her first time speaking on behalf of the fraternity in front of a crowd 600+ people. In her role, Allaira travels all over the country facilitating Noble Workshops to ZTA chapters of all sizes. “ZTA provided me with leadership opportunities that set me up for success in my current job.”

We asked Allaira if she had any advice for women who are currently in college, here’s what she has to say: “Slow down and have faith. Don’t stress about what you’re going to do for the rest of your life, you’ll figure it out as it comes and you’re more capable than you think. Take it one year at a time and enjoy the moment you’re in right now!”


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