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Emma Bogaard


Hello! I’m Emma Bogaard, a sophomore from Pella, Iowa studying Enterprise Leadership along with Event Management. As Chapter President I work as the liaison between our chapter, Fraternity and Sorority Life here on campus at Iowa, and ZTA’s International Office. I oversee all chapter operations and lead our Executive Council of twelve other outstanding women. I am so excited to continue to create a welcoming and loving environment for all our members to thrive! This chapter means so much to me and I am honored to lead our chapter and see the growth we make this year.


Trinity White


Hi everyone! My name is Trinity White and I’m a sophomore from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! I am studying Actuarial Science and Mathematics with a certificate in Risk Management and Insurance. As Vice President of Programming, I am in charge of scheduling and planning all of the events for our chapter. I oversee the incredible 35 women on our Programming Council who each have a smaller role so our chapter calendar is filled with fun and diverse events. I cannot wait to work with the rest of Executive Council and have a great year <3


Ellery Whitelaw


Hello! I’m Ellery Whitelaw, a second year History and Museum Studies student from Des Moines, IA. As Vice President of Leadership and Development I have the privilege of leading all of our new members through the process all the way up to their initiation as well as planning bid day! I am so excited to welcome all of our new members into our chapter whether they join through Primary Recruitment in the fall or our year round open bidding process C.R.O.W.N.! ZLAM <3


Emily Reeves


Hi! I am Emily Reeves and I am a Marketing major from Carver, Minnesota. As Vice President of Recruitment, I am in charge of recruiting new outstanding women, as well as assisting in providing a unique and memorable sense of belonging in the current members of our Chapter. I work to plan and run C.R.O.W.N. events, which are events to meet women interested in our Chapter, post primary recruitment, while simultaneously planning for our primary recruitment in the fall. I love this position and getting to know each outstanding woman that enters our Chapter, and am beyond blessed to be surrounded by such empowering women.


Charlie Brink


Hello everyone! My name is Charlie Brink, and I am a sophomore studying Biochemistry and Political Science from Ankeny, Iowa. As the Vice President of Philanthropy and Service, I organize all of our philanthropic events benefiting breast cancer education & awareness, such as our annual 5K in the fall. I am also responsible for overseeing our chapter’s educational sessions with breast health specialists, as well as maintaining our partnership with UIHC's Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center. Promoting this cause across campus and the community is very rewarding, and I look forward to engaging our chapter in this noble cause!


Julia Wenzel


Hello! I'm Julia Wenzel, a sophomore from Minneapolis, Minnesota studying Finance and Economics.  As the VP of Finance, I am in charge of managing all financial aspects of our chapter, such as member billing and bill payments. In this role, I work closely with chapter members and national advisors to ensure success for everyone!


Kat Sopcich


Hi everyone! My name is Kat Sopcich and I am a Nursing-interest major from Denver, Colorado. As the Vice President of Administration, I am in charge of handling chapter documents, taking attendance for important ZTA events, and managing everything related to our point system. I am so excited for this year and am beyond thrilled to get to know all the amazing girls on our Executive Council more!


Brinn Johnson


Hi! My name is Brinn Johnson and I’m a sophomore studying Speech and Hearing Science and Spanish from Grimes, Iowa. As the Vice President of Communication, I am in charge of the social media platforms for our chapter as well as this website! I am honored to highlight the amazing girls of Alpha Omicron and can’t wait to showcase to everyone else the love that lives in this chapter!


Claudia Witte


Hi everyone! My name is Claudia Witte and I am a sophomore studying Elementary Education from Naperville, Illinois. As the Vice President of Campus Relations, I am the communication between our chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha and the University of Iowa Panhellenic Council. I am so excited to represent our chapter in the Panhellenic community, collaborate with other chapters, and work with the rest of the executive council! It’s going to be a great year!


Rachel Svancarek


Hello! My name is Rachel Svancarek, and I am a second year here at Iowa studying Sociology and Psychology with minors in International Relations and Aerospace Studies. As the Vice President of Harm reduction, my main priority is keeping our chapter safe and educated on ZTA’s bylaws and policies. I also provide resources regarding how to maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle as a student here at the University of Iowa. I am a part of an amazing chapter, and I am so excited to help these amazing women any way that I can!


Macie Moore


Hi everyone! My name is Macie Moore and I am from Pella, Iowa. I am studying Communication Studies along with Human Relations. As VP of Member Experience, I organize all of our rituals and work with members after they have been initiated. I have the opportunity to share the importance of our rituals with all chapter members and share how they bring our sisterhood together in our chapter and in chapters across the country!


Campbell Wood


Hey everyone! My name is Campbell Wood and I’m from Kansas City, Kansas (Go Chiefs)! I’m a junior majoring in journalism with certificates in writing and leadership studies and minors in American studies and media management. As VP Academic Achievement, I ensure members have access to various academic resources, so they can succeed in their classes. I'm also responsible for organizing study rooms, the senior banquet, and other ways to celebrate our members’ successes in and outside of the classroom!


Natalie Zaslavskiy


Hi! My name is Natalie Zaslavskiy and I am a Criminology & Psychology major from Buffalo Grove, Illinois. As House Manager, I am responsible for creating a positive environment in the Zouse for members! I work with the House Director and Chef to create the best experience for members living in & those coming to just hang out at the Zouse!


Directors of Sisterhood - Ruby Sprecher & Taylor Bowers

Director of Membership Enrichment - Camryn Adams

Directors of Social Events - Hannah Fadrowski & Lauren ter Horst

Director of Activities - Brooke Wise

Corresponding Secretary - Brylee Smejkal

Senior Chairman - Katie Nickeas

Alumnae Relations Chairman - Cadence Gulbranson

FRED Chairman - Kylee Tenison

Sunshine Chairman - Katie Beerman

External Events Chairman - Abby Rogers

Parents Events Chairman - Belle Wood

Sustainability Chairman - Anna Lundy

Apparel Chairman - Kaylie Rozenboom

Signs Chairmen -  Sasha Aronson, Mara Tamler, & Maggie Nolan

Service Chairman - Leah Desserich

Belonging and Inclusion Chairman - Maggie Hughes

Bid Day Coordinators - Amanda Ritchey & Natalie Bruce

Learning and Development Assistant - Mira Sedlacek & Maggie Farrell

Recruitment Assistants - Payton Geake & Erica Winjum

C.R.O.W.N. Assistants - Autumn Stone & Madison Plesek

Philanthropy Assistant - Faith Vock

Think Pink Assistant - Lexie Beiermann

Fundraising Assistant - Alyssa Gonnerman

Finance Assistant - Grace Rose

Communication Assistant - Lauren Meredith

Member Experience Assistant - Mia Cunningham

Facility Operations Assistant - Vivian Nally​​

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